Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Help Those Addicted to Drugs and Alcohol

If you have a story to tell about drug or alcohol abuse - it can be your story or a story about someone else - please send your story in.

The purpose is to post a true story that has no identifying information in it. No need to post any names or places that could be connected with anyone.

The idea is to provide a story that can serve as hope, inspiration or motivation to someone who is drug or alcohol addicted - or - to someone that loves someone who is addicted and is distraught and does not know what to do.

The story can be good or bad, it can have a happy or sad ending. All stories can provide inspiration and motivation. We need to hear about the tragedies as well as the successes.

Remember, the purpose is for helping others overcome a major problem: drug or alcohol addiction.

Won't you share today? Click below to submit your story!

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